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226 Quakertown Road
PO Box 368
Quakertown, NJ 08868
Phone: 908-735-7929
Fax: 908-735-0368
Physical Education & Health
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Mr. Hunter Timko

Twitter: @Timkoteaches

(908) 735-7929 x347


Health and Physical Education at Franklin Township School

As part of the effort to prepare students to function optimally as global citizens and workers, the contemporary view of health and physical education focuses on taking personal responsibility for one’s health through an active and healthy lifestyle that fosters a lifelong commitment to wellness. Responsible decision-making, health enhancing behaviors, being a discriminating consumer, dealing safely with unhealthy or dangerous situations, and developing dependable support systems are all traits that contribute to one’s wellness. The health and physical education program at Franklin Township School is comprehensive, sequential, and emphasizes the natural interdisciplinary connection between wellness and health and physical education.  In our program, there is a focus on the development of knowledge and skills that influence healthy behaviors within the context of self, family, school, and the local and global community.

Knowledge of health and physical education concepts and skills empowers students to assume a lifelong responsibility to develop physical, social, and emotional wellness. This curriculum will foster students that:                         

  • Maintain physical, social, and emotional health by practicing healthy behaviors and goal setting                                     

  • Engage in a physically active lifestyle that promotes overall wellness

  • Develop a variety of skills that may afford them opportunities to develop physical fitness for present and future leisure time activities 

  • Are knowledgeable about health and wellness and how to access health resources                        

  • Recognize the influence of media, technology, and culture in making informed health-related decisions as a consumer of health products and services

  • Advocate for personal, family, community, and global wellness and are knowledgeable about national and international public health and safety issues   

  • Practice effective cross-cultural communication, problem solving, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills                

  • Are accepting and respectful of individual and cultural differences