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226 Quakertown Road
PO Box 368
Quakertown, NJ 08868
Phone: 908-735-7929
Fax: 908-735-0368
» FTS Cafeteria Menu
» PaySchools Login
» Lunch Payment Procedure (pdf)
» Free or Reduced Lunch Application (English) (pdf)
» Comidas Gratis o a Precio Reducido Aplicacion (Espanol) (pdf)
» FREE LUNCH Summer Programs
» Wellness Policy Assessment (pdf)
» Civil Rights Statement

School lunch is proudly provided by Maschio's Food Services, Inc.


Welcome Back! 2024-25 Letter

Menu Items Price List


Menus are subject to change. The nutrient information is based on the manufacturer’s food labels and may be subject to change without warning. For Carbohydrate Counts for food items, please visit for the most up to date Carbohydrate Count List of Common Foods. This list is updated on a monthly basis and as needed. Carbohydrate Counts for items are based on Nutrikids Analysis of Maschio’s Recipes and may vary based on product availability. These calculations are not intended for medical use.