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226 Quakertown Road
PO Box 368
Quakertown, NJ 08868
Phone: 908-735-7929
Fax: 908-735-0368
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Learning objectives

Grades 2 & 3 

Knowledge and Skills: 

Students will be able to: 

  • Demonstrate comprehension of simple, oral and written directions, commands and requests through appropriate physical response. 

  • Identify familiar people, places, and objects based on simple oral and/or written descriptions. 

  • Give and follow simple oral and written directions, commands, and requests when participating in age-appropriate classroom and cultural activities. 

  • Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests and express preferences using memorized words and phrases. 

  • Copy/write words, phrases or simple guided texts in familiar topics. 

  • Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the target culture. 

  • Use digital tools to exchange basic information by recombining memorized words, phrases and sentences on topics related to self and targeted themes. 

  • Imitate, recite and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs and skits. 


Grades 4 & 5 

Knowledge and Skills: 

Students will be able to: 

  • Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 

  • Identify familiar people, places and objects based on simple oral and/or written descriptions. 

  • Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics. 

  • Exchange information using words, phrases and short sentences practiced in class on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas. 

  • Imitate, recite and/or dramatize simple poetry, rhymes, songs and skits. 

  • Copy/write words, phrases, or simple guided texts on familiar topics. 

  • Imitate appropriate gestures and intonation of the target culture/language during greetings, leave-takings and daily interactions. 

  • Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests, and express preferences using memorized words and phrases. 

  • Present information from age and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. 

  • Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the target culture.  

  • Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. 

  • Demonstrate comprehension of short conversations and brief written messages on familiar topics. 

  • Identify the main idea and other significant ideas in readings from age and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. 


Grades 6-8

Knowledge and Skills: 

Students will be able to: 

  • Recognize familiar spoken or written words and phrases contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. 

  • Demonstrate comprehension of brief oral and written messages using age and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials on familiar topics. 

  • Exchange information using words, phrases and short sentences practiced in class on familiar topics or on topics studied in other content areas. 

  • Use basic information at the word and memorized-phrase level to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared virtually with a target language audience. 

  • Use digital tools to exchange basic information at the word and memorized-phrase level related to self and targeted themes. 

  • Name and label tangible cultural products and imitate cultural practices from the target culture. 

  • Ask and respond to simple questions, make requests and express preferences using memorized words and phrases. 

  • Copy/write words, phrases or simple guided texts on familiar topics.