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226 Quakertown Road
PO Box 368
Quakertown, NJ 08868
Phone: 908-735-7929
Fax: 908-735-0368


All medical paperwork/permission slips for fall sports (girls volleyball, boys and girls cross country, and Co-Ed soccer) must be submitted to the health office by Thursday, August 15, 2024. The FTS sports forms PDF can be printed off the FTS website under the "athletics" tab.  All students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in all fall sports.  Coaches may hold tryouts for any team depending on the number of students interested in participating.   


 Students who are not medically cleared will not be allowed to attend practice or games.

1) In order to participate in athletics at Franklin Township School each student must have a current physical (exam is good for 365 days from the exam date). It is required that the examining physician fill out the three page NJDOE Physical Form. The form then needs to be filed with Mrs. Roberts in the health office.

Once Mrs. Roberts has the form, the school doctor must review it. The forms could take weeks to process, so it is imperative all forms are in by the deadlines.

If the student has a current physical form and wants to participate in an additional sport they do not need another physical (provided their last physical will remain valid for the entire time they will be playing). Instead, a Health History Update - Sports Form should be completed.

2) Additionally, each student and their parent/guardian must return a Permission to Participate Form.

3) Each student must complete a NJSIAA Parent/Guardian Concussion Policy Acknowledgement Form.

4) Also, a cardiac form is also required by the state.

5) Finally, all opioid awareness forms must be submitted (required by state).

Academic Agreement

***FTS has an academic agreement that all our athletes need to file with Mr. Timko.

Anyone intetested in playing sports at FTS should contact Hunter Timko ( with questions.   

Pay-To-Play payments should be in the business office before participation begins.

The fee is $100 (check made out to Franklin Township School). Thank you.

​Come Out and Cheer!

All are invited to come out and cheer on the FTS teams. Students in grades 6-8 need parent permission in the form of a note to the FTS office (no phone calls please) in order to stay after school for home games. K-5 students must be supervised by a parent/guardian during our events. Thank you for your cooperation.